



A meeting of the Board of Directors of Haviland Collectors International Foundation was held on March 6, 2020, at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Schiller Park, Illinois.

President Dale Caldwell called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm CDT.

Recording Secretary Shirley Pemberton called the roll.

The Directors of the Corporation present were Dale Caldwell, Perry Haviland, Nancy Hill, Sandra Kramer, Karen Levin, Shirley Pemberton, Alice Pricer, Richard Pryor and Paul Robertson. Editor Arthur Levin was present. Board members present online were Bonnie Kline, Carolyn Quinlan, Nick Tex and Judy Wynne. Director Emeritus Grace Grave was present online. Director Emeritus Robert Rorex was absent. Members Fred Daniels and Kathy Robinson were present online.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Perry Haviland stated that as of March 6, 2020, HCIF had a checking account balance of $31,270.72, with no outstanding bills.

Membership Report: Karen Levin reported that the HCIF current membership is 105, including 15 honorary members and 6 lifetime members.


Backmark: Nothing new to report.

Editorial: This year’s annual publication will consist of 76 pages.

Information Technology: Arthur Levin reported that he purchased a speaker and stand for the PA system, in addition to one wireless headset microphone.

Nominations: Dale Caldwell, Perry Haviland, Nancy Hill, Sandy Kramer, Carolyn Quinlan and Judy Wynne will finish their terms of office in June, 2020. Sandra Kramer will finish her second three-year elected term, and is not eligible to run for reelection. Perry Haviland made a motion, seconded by Alice Pricer, to nominate Dale Caldwell, Perry Haviland, Nancy Hill, Carolyn Quinlan and Kathy Robinson for three-year terms and Fred Daniels for a two-year term to complete a three-year term for which there was a prior resignation. The motion was approved.

Membership Development: Committee chair Bonnie Kline suggested adding pottery pieces and other “out-of-the-ordinary” Haviland items to our Facebook page in the hope that it would generate interest in HCIF.

Public Relations: Grace Graves has found that Collectibles will advertise for a period of one year for a very reasonable amount.


2020 Conference: Karen Levin said that the 2020 conference will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, from June 10 to 14. The hotel is in an historic Art Deco building and quite different from the usual Embassy Suites, but still quite lovely. All presenters are set. A motion was made by Karen Levin and seconded by Alice Pricer that parking be comped for Bill and Maggie Hoehn, since they transport equipment for the conference, and for Art Stees, since he transports all of the publications. The motion carried.

Karen Levin presented a spreadsheet of projected 2020 conference expenses. A motion was made by Karen Levin, seconded by Shirley Pemberton, to set the conference registration fee at $295 and the Thursday tour fee at $55. The motion carried.

Karen will be checking with the hotel regarding the possible cancellation fees of the conference due to the novel coronavirus-19 that is infecting the United States and other countries.

2021 Conference: Karen Levin reported the contract for the 2021 Conference has been signed for the Embassy Suites Palm Desert, near Palm Springs, California.


Increased cost of Annual: The 2019 Annual is projected to contain 76 pages, and will incur a slightly higher cost to publish and mail than previous issues.

PA System: As noted above in Committee Reports, a new system has been purchased for a total of $900.50.

Evergreen House Foundation reproduction agreement and fee: A motion was made by Paul Robertson, seconded by Sandy Kramer, to approve payment of $30 per image, not to exceed $500, for images to be used in the 2020 Haviland Annual. The motion carried.

Honorary Membership: A motion was made by Sandy Kramer, seconded by Alice Pricer, that an Honorary Membership for Philippe Frontier, the former Artistic Director and present Archivist of Haviland & Co., be granted. The motion carried.

Directory: A designation will be made in the HCIF Directory if a member dies during his or her  membership year.

Minutes Approval: March 24, 7:30 CST, was set as the date and time for the online minutes approval meeting.

Richard Pryor made a motion, seconded by Sandy Kramer, to adjourn.

President Dale Caldwell adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm CDT.

Respectfully submitted,

Shirley Pemberton
Recording Secretary